Sunday, February 05, 2006

2nd Month of 2006

CNY holidays have come to an end, fortunately for the Chong Hwa guys we have one more day of holiday. Yes, this is a season to have fun, eat, sleep, drink, play, and of course, to BOMB. (If you can find the explosives).

February comes. The reason February has only 28 days dates back to the Roman Empire. Julius Caesar named the month July after himself and gave it 31 days. His successor, Augustus Caesar, not to be outdoned by the old crap, took a day from February and added it to August, leaving February with 29 days. Then, because the month of February recorded the highest crime rates during Augustus's reign, another day was taken from it. ( so that the month could end faster, like it helps to lower crime rates, stupid Romans...).

But now, February will be a month of MEANING for us, 5 days of CNY holidays, Valentines's Day (Despair of all single man or woman), SPM results day, Beat-the Holy-Man-Day (Holy Man=Loong Jiet, in case anyone doesn't knows), and Nonsense-Talking-Day. (Which is everyday).

So now, look forward to Valentine's, it might be a romantic day for some, but for others it might be a trauma, and for a very small percentage of us, it is a day of PAIN. In order not to bug you readers with old-wives-sad tales, just wait for something to happen.

Something BIG to happen. Positively or negatively, it depends on your opinion.

Ardelus Nightmare-Bearer


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