Saturday, February 11, 2006

Curse of Valentine

Tuesday is the day, and even before Valentine's I'd got the stab.

She won't be coming to school on Tuesday, driving test. And what then? Anybody with half a brain could know what happens next. Yes, she meets up with her boyfriend and off they go for a sweet date. And me, what happens? I'm stuck in school, doing unfinished homework and biting my nails off at unknown questions.

The jealousy shall burn, but at least I'm gonna be well-sedated. New bottle of drugs, high power, sure to kill any pain that strikes. I guess I'm better off than some people, my pain is mental and can be expressed physically, which keeps my mind from not going insane.

I never understood. What do I lack? Did I not protected her from harm since 12 years ago? Did I ever forgot her birthday or any important occasions, and be the first to give my greetings? Did I not spent blood and money on doing my duty as her friend? Did I not fought, bled, coughed and hurt for her? And all I get was a damn "Its impossible for us..."

I have no looks, no money, no class, no air of personality, and certainly knows no flowery words. I'm born as a fighter, and I will always be one, but what use is a fighter when he is weak? He serves no other purpose left, waiting for his time to come. My scissors are now rusted, rusted with iron and blood of enemies, but what is the use of them? They cannot bring me what I want.

In a trance this afternoon that shocked my friends, they told me I kept murmuring strange fragments of words. What did I say I did not know, but what I saw was real. She was turning her back towards me, and she walks away. A piece of burnt paper flies into me and I see my name is burnt away on it. Then the fire burns me and I wake temporarily, seeing Zi Yuan, then everything is black.

This surely means something, but it takes time to show me the meaning.

I would give my life for her, sadly she knows not, and another lucky guy has got her.

I have the curse of Valentine


Blogger Reminisce 1S4005S1 said...

ardy, u r great^^
we ll all pass through our valentine day together..frens are nicer..hehe^^


12:10 am  
Blogger Coolzzy said...

hey...sometimes when you fall in love with someone that won't love you,maybe you just have to let it go man...go search for someone who shares the same thoughts and feelings with you rather than wasting time on someone who won't understands you...even though you 2 might have chance to be together, but it won't hold long...learn to pray and bless for the one you love than just keep on thinking to own her(though sometimes it hurts like stabbing your heart with your scissor)...


2:40 pm  
Blogger Ardelus Nightmare-Bearer said...

Thank you people for your advices. But the pain is only something I can understand, and no amount of external factors can aid in it.

Indeed, Love is a strange emotion, it can destroy humans, or build humans.

My duty as her friend can only come to this stage. Duty is everything, the greatest of joys, the deepest of sorrows, and after all that had happened, I'm just happy she's still well, alive and happy.

She chose someone who had never brought her through and thick and thin, I would love to curse the lucky dog for his fortune, but for her sake, I would rather give them my blessings.

As long as she is happy, I have no right to spoil her happiness, but only the choice of bearing the pain alone.

Thanks again for the advices, at least there is still some warmth and justice in the darkness.

4:06 pm  
Blogger wishes said...

Here i am
Once again
I am torn into pieces
cant deny it
cant pretend
just thought you were the one
broken up
deep inside
caseu u wont get to see the tears i ry

Ardy, u just make me think of that song
Let it go man!!!
add oil

6:17 pm  
Blogger Karmen said...

Remember the "poem" (dunno can count poem in my blog or not)Time?

You'll get through it...just as I did. This process is hard and sometimes you doubt that one day you'll be freed. But hey... I'm fine now...I believe you will get back your life one day. Healing~

Take good care k? Friends will be with you.

9:57 am  

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