Saturday, February 16, 2008

Pangkor once again, EVERYONE!

Ok me(mao) n baby r planning to organise a trip to pangkor/redang or some places which have beaches.

So who will be able to go?

List down ur name here and the time when you will be free:-

Name Month(june/july/august/september)
1. baby ALL I think
2. mao (moz probably during aug)
3. June (i can only go in may or october) sob sob
4. kai (june till mid september i think)
5. Mic (end of August will be fine for me, big despo here to go on another trip with u guys! oh pls!)
6. YSiang (i can only go in december le or late september perhaps) wan to join u all de but goin usa from may to august. looking forward to meeting u guys!
7. Ardelus (The whole month of June. Or August and September. July is a straight no.)
8. xhui ( most probably i can onli make it at tis period of time: 9/6/08 -- 6/7/08 )
9.klcc (june-july, late nov till end-of-yr)
10. yz (5th aug - 9th aug woohooo~ skip only lecture week i.e week1 or anytime, anywhere after 9th aug~)
11.xmin( 3/7--20/8..around this time gua..not sure with the exact date yet)

v'll try to make it during weekends (fri, sat n sun) so PLEASE note down d period tat u'll b in Malaysia or SG....or mayb Thai eh? wateva la...... n PLEASE if d date is comfirmed try to make it ok! for d sake of US, skip one or 2 classes lar =p

com'on guys, it's time to gather again!!!! roll d ball roll d ball!!!!!!!!!!

And the ball is rolling now...roll more!

Now set the ball on fire! BURN!

omfg i m getting excited over this! LOL

p/s(z): i no click xia here de comment oso dunno jia hao got blog @.@ and den from jia hao blog comment only i know aaron blog which is able be found by my browser.. den i come in twice to edit this p/s! wat a great discover for today.. lol perhaps u guys can try click somewhere around here den discover somethg extraordinarily.

GUESS GUESS GUESS(as requested by Baby to see the photo)

Alright, i just came across with this photo but i can assure you i didnt take this photo during 2005 Pangkor Trip.

I forgot who took this photo

why did he/she took my camera ?
and why he/she chose the model ?
So, who is the model??? let's guess

Here are some clues, if you are out of boredom and DESPERATE to find out who is that, please go to your "MY PICTURE FOLDER" to check for pangkor trip photo dated on 8th December 2005 and find out who's the one wearing the shirt.

Friday, February 15, 2008

现在是早上8点,还有半个小时就要去上课了.就在这半个小时内宣泄完我的不满吧..我的室友他一整晚都不在,然后就在早上7点多时听到很多吵杂声,一起身看,原来是他带了另外两个朋友回来. 不懂是他们没有脑还是有脑,但是有屁股来想东西的, 他妈的, 7点多当你另外两个室友还在睡觉的时候,在那边大声讲话,大声笑???!?!?!?!?!??!!??! 而且你不是不懂,他们讲买那种印度话, 不用很大声就觉得很烦了啦.. 真没脑.

我另外一个室友就睡到像猪酱啦, 还有打鼾声. =.= 我当然是被吵醒啦, 然后在心里一直骂他们. 心里想,在给你们5分钟,在不收声, 就要起来骂他们了. 怎知道,他们真的很没有脑, 吵了酱久还不要收声, 我就起来假装看我手机几点, 然后大力地把手机摔在桌子上. 他们在那时候才发现我的存在, 你讲啦,几没有脑. 过后就关灯去睡觉.

我当然是睡不下去了啦, 所以现在才在这里.

结论是: 他们是一群肛门洞! 可以想像到那个画面吗,一群肛门洞聚集在一起讲印度话.=.=


HAHAHA... I was L-ingMAO when i read this now. lol. anyway decided to post it up (although meiping says its very uncivilsed) coz its quite hilarious. it shows how angry i was that time. =p

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

最近 很堕落
没做功课 在课堂睡觉 回家就看YOUTUBE MV啦 还有康熙来了 哈哈 真堕落
晚上就跟朋友讲话啦 玩牌啦 哈哈 无可救药

OK既然那么显 就写一下我们这儿过年做了什么啦.

年三十晚 我们去了一家华人餐厅吃"团圆饭". 算不错的了, 九道菜(不是烂烂的菜,有三文鱼捞生,猪手,蒸鱼...) 总共吃了 130 磅.. 哇塞 接近RM1000 的一顿饭.. =P 其实也还好啦,我们总共有10 个人,一个人也只是13磅.. 算不错啦,一年只是一次...

过后回家玩牌...玩到四点半酱.. 我们不玩CIPLAK 游戏的OK?! 锄大第已经OUTDATE 了.. 我们现在玩的是BRIDGE...回去一定要玩!

年初一,真显,因为这里没有放假=.= 不过我SKIP了一个LECTURE和一个CLASS...哈哈 谁会在年初一有心情去上课的咧? 可是我们还算乖啦.. 至少还有上到12PM, 过后我们五个人(我,MEIPING,良富,还有JIE & GF)就去吃午餐了.. 过后就去LONDON的庙拜神咯.. 有没有很吓到咧?LONDON 也有庙???!?!?!?!?!?!!! 没错,名字就叫佛光寺. 不过感觉就很不同啦..比较先进咯,有CCTV, 然后因为租金贵,地方也比较窄.. 我们就在那儿点灯祈福.. 一个小蜡烛2磅,蛮合理的嘛... 过后良富说要去看附近的APPLE STORE 看MACBOOK AIR.. 怎知,那段路因为电流中段而被封锁...=.=

过后就回家睡觉,晚上继续玩牌..哈哈 维文,对不起,我真的是在玩牌的哦...=P

年初二,我们五个人就心血来潮的要做汤圆..哈哈... 很SYOK哦 自己做汤圆给自己吃... 还放NUTELLA 做馅... =.= 不过真的很好吃啦.. 感谢JIE 咯, 他真的很会煮..=P

年初三,准备晚上要吃的STEAMBOAT.. 哇塞多得JIE,我们的STEAMBOAT 超级好吃...真是超级好吃的那一种..还有很多种辣椒给我们点...=DDDD

过后就哎....恢复正常的生活咯... 显....真期待回MSIA...可是还得先考试先咧... 这里的课程真难.. :(

最后,祝大家新年快乐!!! 真期待回去MSIA的那一天...然后大吃一顿!!! WOOSH!!


Saturday, February 02, 2008

我还记得 那段青涩岁月

我还记得 头发未披肩的日子
我还记得 每天两次的下课钟声
我还记得 上课时两位女生的千里传音
我还记得 邦格海滩上的足迹
我还记得 光前堂的后台样子
我还记得 上课的位置
我还记得 我的班号学号
我还记得 食堂的面包
我还记得 楼梯口甲豪的天使
我还记得 那青色的课室门
我还记得 厕所洗手后市擦在别人身上的
我还记得 爱唱歌的我们
我还记得 每个月的仪容检查
我还记得 周一唱国歌忙着抄功课的我们
我还记得 华文课要把自己的水壶收起来把别人的拿上来
我还记得 六月害我唱出11个广东字
我还记得 科阳的样子 =P