Monday, March 31, 2008


喂。。。。 其实也没用什么东东好写。。

想请问啦, 12 月有谁回来??有没有人在singapore? Mum asked me whether i wanna join her to go sing. and visit my aunty. If a lot of ppl coming back and there is a gathering during that time, then i dont want to go singapore LOR>..

Those singpoare kia will be in singapore in december or not ya??

我们有一位班主任要在2009 年2月29日结婚。。他叫我帮他gather 人去参加他的婚礼。。 有兴趣者。。。MUST contact me via msn, hp or my email. 他说如果多人的话(大概20 个人), 就会特别带我们去吃。。。。吃什么, 我又不懂啦。。 但是我特别交待他must have mushroom soup.... cause it is very delicious....

For those who are interested, must contact me ya

Take care!

Best REgards

16,jalan sg,9/11
taman sri gombak
68100 batu caves selangor. malaysia


Friday, March 28, 2008

Just A Random Updates

Hey peeps! Seems a bit odd to write here, it has been so long since I write something in this blog.
Officially one month off the blogosphere and I have to say, life's pretty caught up with everything. I do believe that many of you out there are busy with many things else. I just can't wait for 20+ days for a semester break.

Well I was actually doing my revision for my coming exam, so stressful lately. And obviously I miss you guys so I end up writing here. Can't imagine it's almost April and I can't imagine I've done so many things for the past few months. Sometimes I did sigh at the busy routine, but somehow I think it's just beautiful.

It's like almost two months after coming back from Cambodia, I must say, that trip changed me quite a lot, especially in my perspective of life. Learned so much about giving and taking from these people from a different corner, about how to appreciate things and so more positive...tougher...and more determined. But recently I am getting to fear about changes in the coming few months, about whether I can reach the capacity to get to the Uni I want, about leaving this country and family, so much fear to take. I know it's pointless to rant about anything, so what's left to do is working hard.

By the way, just a little updates on my part. Over the weekend, I was spending my two days in Sepang F1, to be exact, selling magazines. (lh, pls, not race car showgirl) Can't believe I did that, since that's my first paid job hehe (not to say the attachment)...well actually it's just a friend's request. Besides all the sunburn and expected sale target that I've to achieve everyday, I would say that's a pretty great experience. I met two Europeans who basically all the while communicated with me in Mandarin because they have spent the past few months in Taipei. Interesting.

Well, gotta hit back to my books now. Ga yao la you guys there!

I think I miss you guys too much! =P

Take care everyone!


blueh. yo people :)



regrettably 我并没有pick up english accent.很好听ler.


前几天下雪咧。春天了才下雪。global warming is killing the earth.


可是考完试可以回家,所以screw it!


2nd year 应该会和几个朋友在外面租房,3女2男。明天去看屋子。唉头痛man,你们懂啦朋友再熟一起住一定有一定的麻烦。可是我还是quite looking forward to it 啦。毕竟不会像住hall酱lonely.可是也是我的问题啦,在自己的hall酱antisocial,很少参别人。不是catered hall 比较难跟人混熟,因为通常catered hall 的人认识其他人的机会都是during meals.

有一个朋友整天叫我chonghwa girl,一开始很du lan,现在习惯了。他的嘴就是贱,sucker,stupid ass什么都给他叫到完,可是人其实很好。死有钱仔went back to malaysia for holiday.读HELP的,认识维谦。咦,baby mei ping 可能也认识。

有男朋友了。差不多8个月前开始的事。突然间想讲。paiseh. 可能你们都懂了。
开始化妆了?算不算改变?这些是没有人会拿来讲的改变可是当我们在朋友身上看到这些,一定make a big deal out of it. haha.可是没有啦,30天只有...maximum 5天化?


有一个大新闻。我那天自己丢了一只死老鼠。在厨房咧妈的。geng leh?不geng meh?我觉得很geng lor.




12.10am. GMT (00:00)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Friends, do it well please!!

This is my first time blogging in our class blog.. Anyway, I think I better use chinese to blog.. Hehe..

很高兴这个class blog还没有真正死亡,也许这是它死后复生,但我相信大家都不希望这一切只是回光返照,过了一段时间又再失去大家的爱戴。

Mao & baby计划搞个trip是个不错的建议,虽然我本身还不怎么感兴趣,不过既然是4s15s1的朋友的事,我还是蛮想8卦一下的。开始时看到大家热血沸腾,你一个A plan,我一个B plan,提出许多看似无聊、没有建设性的意见,虽然没有真实的结果,心里还是相当安慰,至少大家关心这个trip,关心中学的朋友。没过多久,klcc列出时间后就越来越无声无息,msg box也越来越冷,那时的我就像大家一样,又要再次遗忘了我们的class blog。直到今天心血来潮回到这里,再也不忍心让它再度成为废墟,希望我的几局废话,能够带给大家一定的启发。

先谈谈最新的trip,两个多月前的建议,到现在才只有区区9个人list down 他们的free time,其他人是不得空呢,还是跟我一样不打算参与呢?其实,就算不感兴趣也可以留个名字说不要,这一点相信包括我在内许多人都懒得去做。不过只需花一点点时间就能方便别人(更贴切来说是我们的朋友)做事,那又何乐而不为呢?

还有,我觉得无论如何都必须要有几个有心人负责in charge这个trip,我不是说那种让大家感觉很low的“筹委团”,而是至少确定有几个人负责更新最新消息,确定时间地点,确定人数等琐碎的事情就ok了。我建议既然是mao & baby发起的,就先由他们负责,如果他们不得空再由他们找有空的人负责。其他人可以帮忙宣传一下,可能还有很多人不知道这个blog、这个trip,或者他们已经忘记了,不妨提醒他们一下,告诉他们这里有我们的天地。不要不了了之,让这个计划夭折。

至于这个差点变成废墟的class blog,既然它是我们的财产,我们就应该保护它、守护它。现在大家身在世界各地,难免会有很多不同的经历想跟以前的朋友分享,只要抽出一点点时间,一个月一次,两个月一次,三个月一次都好,大家一人post一点,相信它就能茁壮成长,让我们无论身在何去,至少还有一个属于我们4s15s1的空间。

