Sunday, February 26, 2006


came across this article in a forum...think it might help some of you just take a look and learn whatever you think is useful for you and practice it in your daily life lar^^

  蹬自行车冲红灯看着警察招手你还照去不误,拿部没装胶卷的相机到不准拍照的地方,比如时装专卖店等地猛拍,保安过来你还“据理力争”。这类事你不能多干且可能会有不少麻烦,但绝对可以锻炼胆量。女孩子喜欢胆大的男人。   二、心细


Penitance of a Sinner

Seems like this blog have become a personal space for me, I hope others don't mind it.

Some people believe in retribution, a murderer will be murdered at the end of his life, a torturer will face the same slow death he inflicted upon the others. Even saints are sinners, and at the end of their lives they shall scream out their few sins before Death takes it all.

What abou me? I have no recollection of sins. I once used to be so powerful, so feared that even most people in this blog refused to near, what have I become now? In your eyes, what am I? A useless human trying to save his last breath? Or a repenting sinner?

Why do I need to repent? Unknown sins in the past had led me to this point of my life. Physical pain is nothing to me, it is a fighter's task to put up with it. Unfortunately, fate planned my penitance more than enough. Mentally, I am weak.

What is the greatest pain of all? Yes yes hereit comes again. "Let it go!" you people will say, Like the lyrics of the song "Believe Me" :" What do I have to say? Maybe I should do what I have to do, to break free, and whatever happens to you we'll see but its not going to happen with me."

Can I let go? It takes a great deal of mental strength to let go. By the end of this affair i would most probably be insane. Yesterday in coordination with the CH Idol, I selected a song by Wang Jie and changed its lyrics. She caught my meaning in the lyrics, and she told me so, but the irony of it. We both know how each other feels, but nothing can be done to change the FACT!

After the choir perfomance last night, it was late. Mr Lucky gave her a lift home. 11pm at night, I had to worry. I do not know who this guy is, but he had better treat her good, he Must do so. Or else, something bad will happen. I meant no threat, but I mean business.

How long can I stand all this? This, friends, is the greatest pain of all. I can only accept this for as long as I can, my penitance to my sins.

Ardelus Nightmare-Bearer

Sunday, February 19, 2006

some important self-defences and precautions while away from home

just to continue ardy's post by adding on some points....
1. Hitting opponent's throat is indeed one of the good way to get rid of don't have to look for the opponent's larynx as target...just give a horizontally karate chop at the opponent's will cause temporary airway shut down and while the opponent is struggling for's your best opportunity to run!!

2. Get a PepperGard or Mace ( both are sprays that use to blind opponent's vision temporary or even cause breathing failure, both just having some difference in its ingredients), put it in your handbag or some place that is easily to be grabbed...then when facing some desperate know how to do lar

3. For not to go out alone in night...and also definitely not taking those secluded roads alone just for saving time, ask for at least a companian when you going to toilet(there are cases of rapping that occured in toilets)... and when you are on some lonely road and felt that some guy is following your path(even though they don't look like tracing you)....slow down your steps or even stop down and then step aside to let that person overtake you and walk in front of you....if you slow down and felt that the person also slow down....don't be so stupid that you continue to slow down more!! accelerate and run to places where have more people!!

4. Best not to walk while talking on your handphone!! your concentration will be diverged and most robbers take it as the best time to action... stop at the roadside and only continue to walk while you finished your talking. concentrate and take notice of everything and everyone around you while walking alone outside!!

these are some precautions that have to be taken seriously expecially point 3 and 4 are for both mens and ladies... better take it serious before bad luck strucks you^^


Saturday, February 18, 2006

Important Notice for GIRLS (and boys, who might need them...)

In anytime possible, do not attempt the following moves UNLESS in a desperate position.

Let us face it, the world nowadays is full of vermins like rapists and robbers. Though we do not need to make sure we kill anyone of them, we just need to protecet ourselves from them.

In the case of girls, (Or women), being the weaker sex and more *attractive* in some *ways*, they fall prey to these vermins most oftenly. So, just in case you happen to find yourself in a desperate position, remember these steps, they might save your, er, you know...

Aim for the 5 vital parts of the body
a. eyes- use a poke with hands shaped like a bird's beak, or use fingers( preferrably with fingernails). This move will stun and blind opponents for some time. Advance move: push palm up towards nose of opponent, crush nose, then shape hand into claw and scratch down the eyes.

b. Throat: The tiny depression beneath Adam's apple is the key. Find out yourself by gently pushing your throat, at a point where u will feel like coughing, that's it.
Easy way: use anything, hands included to hit at opponents larynx( thats the name of the area), opponent will cough and be disabled if success.
Advanced: Shape claw hands, swipe sideways at opponent's throat, then at the correct moment extend fingers, dealing the cough attack and swaipe damage.

c. Temple: This is a dangerous area, may cause death, do as last resort. Temple=side of head, between eyes and ears.
Easy: Punch of slap rtarget area will do
Advanced: use knuckles to penetrate deep into temple. Effective blow will cause immense pain, and death if critical.

d. Groin: No further explanation needed, but as a male, I can tell you the pain is worth dying. (Feels pain to even think about it)

e. Knees: Correct technique will fall your opponent.
Easy way: If opponent is behind, raise legs up between his legs to get his groin, then turn around and kick his knees hard
Advanced: Use fingers to form point attack at opponents temples(back of front will do), then repeat same method.
**Not advisable for untrained people.

2. Seek others to help if possible, SCREAM to let others know you are attacked.

3. Learn the appropriate techniques at self-defense schools.

The above moves are made and designed by Ardelus Nightmare-Bearer during his earlier days, while being known as the Shuang Jian(Double Scissors). (This is not a boast, if anyone of you guys wants a challenge, speak up, this old guy still has the will to fight)

Everybody is welcomed to learn the Scissor Techniques from me anytime. Amen.

Ardelus Nightmare-Bearer

Not enough pocket money??? EARN IT YOURSELF!!!

Sorry for ding some advertising stuff here lar..but that's the best way to do announcement mar..
anyway...Hope u guys have a nice day...MISS YA!!!

If anyone is interested in teaching tuition for the whole month of APRIL, pls do contact me..
The details are:
1. Venue: My house lor
2. Time: Weekends ( SAT & SUN) of APRIL
3. Transportation : IF u really want to teach, transportation can be arranged
4. WAGES: Can be negotiated
5. WHAT TO TEACH: form 2 & form 3 of Chong Hwa students ( math and sciences)
6. experienced or non-experienced teachers are always welcomed! but at least you have to be patience!!!

* PLS: this is not a joke lar....
FOr more details, pls contact JUNEJUNE at 012-3012589 as soon as possible...

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Curse of Valentine

Tuesday is the day, and even before Valentine's I'd got the stab.

She won't be coming to school on Tuesday, driving test. And what then? Anybody with half a brain could know what happens next. Yes, she meets up with her boyfriend and off they go for a sweet date. And me, what happens? I'm stuck in school, doing unfinished homework and biting my nails off at unknown questions.

The jealousy shall burn, but at least I'm gonna be well-sedated. New bottle of drugs, high power, sure to kill any pain that strikes. I guess I'm better off than some people, my pain is mental and can be expressed physically, which keeps my mind from not going insane.

I never understood. What do I lack? Did I not protected her from harm since 12 years ago? Did I ever forgot her birthday or any important occasions, and be the first to give my greetings? Did I not spent blood and money on doing my duty as her friend? Did I not fought, bled, coughed and hurt for her? And all I get was a damn "Its impossible for us..."

I have no looks, no money, no class, no air of personality, and certainly knows no flowery words. I'm born as a fighter, and I will always be one, but what use is a fighter when he is weak? He serves no other purpose left, waiting for his time to come. My scissors are now rusted, rusted with iron and blood of enemies, but what is the use of them? They cannot bring me what I want.

In a trance this afternoon that shocked my friends, they told me I kept murmuring strange fragments of words. What did I say I did not know, but what I saw was real. She was turning her back towards me, and she walks away. A piece of burnt paper flies into me and I see my name is burnt away on it. Then the fire burns me and I wake temporarily, seeing Zi Yuan, then everything is black.

This surely means something, but it takes time to show me the meaning.

I would give my life for her, sadly she knows not, and another lucky guy has got her.

I have the curse of Valentine

Sunday, February 05, 2006

2nd Month of 2006

CNY holidays have come to an end, fortunately for the Chong Hwa guys we have one more day of holiday. Yes, this is a season to have fun, eat, sleep, drink, play, and of course, to BOMB. (If you can find the explosives).

February comes. The reason February has only 28 days dates back to the Roman Empire. Julius Caesar named the month July after himself and gave it 31 days. His successor, Augustus Caesar, not to be outdoned by the old crap, took a day from February and added it to August, leaving February with 29 days. Then, because the month of February recorded the highest crime rates during Augustus's reign, another day was taken from it. ( so that the month could end faster, like it helps to lower crime rates, stupid Romans...).

But now, February will be a month of MEANING for us, 5 days of CNY holidays, Valentines's Day (Despair of all single man or woman), SPM results day, Beat-the Holy-Man-Day (Holy Man=Loong Jiet, in case anyone doesn't knows), and Nonsense-Talking-Day. (Which is everyday).

So now, look forward to Valentine's, it might be a romantic day for some, but for others it might be a trauma, and for a very small percentage of us, it is a day of PAIN. In order not to bug you readers with old-wives-sad tales, just wait for something to happen.

Something BIG to happen. Positively or negatively, it depends on your opinion.

Ardelus Nightmare-Bearer